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Senior Poster Directions

This is a Great CSHS Tradition!

Parents/Guardians - please put together a unique poster for your student. These posters are a great way to look back at your student's time within CCUSD. The CSHS PTO volunteers will hang these posters around campus starting March 17th. 

  • Use standard-size poster board (28" x 22") 
  • Recommendation: consider laminating the poster. 
  • Photo posters CAN be made online through WalMart, CVS, Walgreens, etc. Posters do not have to be homemade. 
  • Posters can be dropped off in the front office starting March 3rd.
  • Clearly write your student's full name and cell phone number on the back of the poster.
  • Posters can be taken home at the end of the school year. 
  •  Use thick or heavy poster board because it's too heavy to stay up on the wall and the poster falls down.
  • Do not include photos that are irreplaceable. CSHS and CSHS PTO are not responsible for any damage to the poster. 
  • If a photo might be embarrassing, please ask your Senior before including it. 
  • Do not include any photos with alcohol or substances in them.