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Parking Permit Process

As part of a new parking permit process this year, emails were sent to student email accounts with a link to submit all required paperwork. Please have your student contact Dawn Riolo if you need the email to be resent to your student.  For security purposes, the link is only accessible by CCUSD emails. 

Step 1:

Fill out below parking application below, either digitally or by hand.

Step 2:

Your student will upload all required documents to the provided Google Form. Phone photos of the documents are acceptable; scanned versions are not required.  The required documents are:

  • Parking Application
  • Graduated Drivers License
  • Current Vehicle Registration (no expired cards)
  • Current Insurance (no expired cards)

Step 3:

Once the forms are submitted, I will review them for completeness. If your application is rejected, your student will receive an email detailing what is missing. Once approved, both you and your student will receive information about how to pay and how to pick up the parking placar

Student Parking Update: (Effective February 1, 2025) 

All student parking lots in front of the school are currently sold out. We are now accepting registrations for parking in the 56th Street lot, located next to the former Desert Arroyo Middle School, in front of the baseball fields. Students who register for the 56th Street lot will be contacted in the order of their registration if spaces become available in the front parking lots.

First page of the PDF file: StudentParkingApplication2024_25