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Core GPA

Your core GPA is comprised of the grade points associated with your core classes.  Your core classes are those that are reviewed for admissions, scholarships and placement into most universities.  This is the current list of core classes our in-state universities will accept:

  • English (8 semesters)
  • Math (8 semesters)
  • Social Studies (4 semesters –  (2) AM/AZ History and one other social studies course)
  • Lab Sciences (6 semesters – pick your 6 highest semester grades)
  • World Languages (4 semesters – pick your 4 highest semester grades)
  • *Fine Art or CTE (2 semesters )

* Arizona's in-State Universities will take either the Fine Art Credit or 2 semesters of the same CTE course work. If you plan to attend college out-of-state, it would be in your best interest to contact your college's undergraduate admissions office to determine which they may require (CTE or Fine Art credit).

UofA and ASU require a world language while NAU does not.

Calculating your Core GPA...

  • To calculate your Core GPA, be sure to print out a copy of your current high school transcript. Identify your core classes, tally up the number of A's, B's, C's and so on, and enter that information into this excel spreadsheet
  • Your core GPA (both weighted and unweighted) will appear in the bottom right corner of the worksheet.  
  • You only need to enter the number of semester grades earned...the spreadsheet will do the rest for you.  (Example - if you received 6 A's then enter 6 in the "# of semester grades" column.) Note: Once you have entered the number, You must "tab" out of the column in order for the field to calculate. 
  • If you plan to stay in-state for college, all in-state universities review all grades in unweighted for general admissions .  So, no need to make it complicated and count which is Honors/AP, just enter it all in unweighted grades (honors colleges and specific departments such as engineering may require the weight).
  • If you plan to go out-of-state for college, then you will need to find out if the college reviews weighted or unweighted Core GPA. This will be the student's responsibility to reach out. 
  • If you have calculated your Core GPA please be sure to reach out to your college admissions contact to have them verify, this is so you have an accurate view of where you stand for admissions and/or scholarships.


Disclaimer: all Core GPA calculations provided by high school counselors and college/career specialists are used for demonstration and example purposes.  While most calculations may be quite accurate, it is still the student's responsibility to submit transcripts for unofficial/official evaluations to their college admissions contact for accuracy.