Core Curriculum / ECAP
School Counseling Core Curriculum
"This curriculum consists of structured lessons designed to assist students to attain the desired competencies and to provide all students with the knowledge, attitudes and skills appropriate for their developmental level. The school counseling core curriculum is delivered throughout the school’s overall curriculum and is systematically presented by school counselors in collaboration with other professional educators in the K-12 classroom and group activities."
Taken from ASCA Role Statement:
At Cactus Shadows our School Counseling Core Curriculum culminates in the completion of an Education and Career Action Plan which is a state requirement for all Arizona students and a graduation requirement at Cactus Shadows.
Education and Career Action Plan
An ECAP (Education and Career Action Plan) reflects a student's current plan of coursework, career aspirations, and extended learning opportunities in order to develop the student's individual academic and career goals. A student’s plan helps to personalize education and enables the student to maximize the opportunities available upon high school graduation. Students will track their annual progress through an electronic portfolio in Naviance which is visible to students, parents and counselors.
Students, parents, and school personnel (i.e. counselors, teachers, administration, or career center staff) can work together to help guide the student in his/her choices for career and educational experiences. When students, parents and the school staff plan together, each student receives needed support to meet his/her Education and Career Action Planning (ECAP) goals.
Arizona Education and Career Action Plan (ECAP – State Board Rule # R7-2-302.05)
An Arizona Education and Career Action Plan shall, at minimum, allow students to enter, track and update the following information:
- Identify postsecondary career plans, options, interests or skills
- Explore career opportunities
- Explore needed educational requirements to meet the career option
- Plan coursework
- Meet high school requirements
- Document postsecondary education goals
- Review academic progress to include needed interventions or advisements
- Record academic achievement or awards
- Explore admissions requirements
- Complete necessary applications
- Create a financial assistance plan
- Documentation for participation in clubs or organizations
- Athletics
- Recreational activities
- Fine arts opportunities
- Community service or volunteer activities
- Work experiences, internships, job shadow, etc.
- Leadership opportunities
- Other activities the student might wish to note